Riddet Institute in Top Cited Articles of Journal of Nutrition

Science Excellence is synonymous with the Riddet Institute and this is most abundantly clear in our research outputs. In 2016 and 2017 respectively we published over 200 journal articles, of which approx. 75% were in the top quartile for journal IF of the research areas in which they were published.

Currently, one of those research articles is amongst the Top 5 Most Cited articles in the Journal of Nutrition: “Regulation of Tight Junction Permeability by Intestinal Bacteria and Dietary Components” by authors Dr Dulantha Ulluwishewa (former Riddet Institute PhD student), Dr Rachel Anderson (Associate Investigator, AgResearch), Prof Warren McNabb (Deputy Director and Principal Investigator), Dist Prof Paul J. Moughan (Principal Investigator and Riddet Institute Fellow Laureate), Prof Jerry M. Wells, and Prof Nicole Roy (Principal Investigator, AgResearch). The paper discusses the tight junctions (TJ) which seal the space between epithelial cells (which in turn separate the intestinal lumen from the underlying lamina propria) and how intestinal bacteria and various other dietary components interact with TJ. The article is available to read on the journal website here: https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/141/5/769/4600243

Congratulations go to all the authors for their hard work and outstanding science.

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